Some further information on Stuart. She is Arabella Boxer (ne Stuart) the renowned food critic and writer.
Born 1934. Worked 1973-76 part-time at Sir John Cass; also with Michael Murray. She exhibited at the Goldsmiths’ Company’s Loot exhibition in 1976, and again in 1977. Her catalogue entry for the 1976 Loot exhibition includes details of three items for sale and is as follows:
Silver/green enamel cigarette box £49.78
Silver/purple enamel pill box £36.72
Silver jam spoon £15.12
Her catalogue entry for the 1977 Loot exhibition includes details of four items for sale and is as follows:
Arabella Stuart, 34 Holland Villas Road, London W14, [tel no] 603 9604
Silver and silver-gilt goblet £75
Sugar bowl and lid, silver and enamel £85
Egg cup and spoon, silver and silver gilt £40
Egg box £38
The £85 sugar bowl is this one for sale.