Full history of Marie Lynch exhibition record (MSAD = Metropolitan School of Art, Dublin)
1910. Fourth Arts and Crafts Society of Ireland Exhibition
No. 4 .Stained glass panel, St.Michael, [adapted from the Ranworth Roodscreen]. At MSAD
No. 111. Panel for firescreen in gesso, at MSAD
No. 234. Enamel plaque, under P. Oswald Reeves. MSAD.
No 263. Copper bowl and Stand with silver inlay, under P. Oswald Reeves. MSAD.
1917. Fifth Arts and Crafts Society of Ireland Exhibition
No. 12, Copper Dish for oranges and nuts etc, by Marie L. Lynch, under P. Oswald Reeves. MSAD.
No. 209. Silver Ring, by Marie L. Lynch
1921. Sixth Arts and Crafts Society of Ireland Exhibition
No. 191, Enamelled Plaque ‘Vanity and Renunciation’, by Marie L. Lynch, under P. Oswald Reeves. MSAD.
No. 247, Silver and Enamel Brooch, by Marie L Lynch
No. 253, Silver and Filigree Pendant, by Marie L. Lynch
No. 254, Silver Brooch by Marie L. Lynch
No. 255, Pendant, Cameo set in Silver. By Marie L. Lynch
1922 Gallerie Barbazanges, Paris [Irish Race Congress, 21 – 28 January].
No. 202, Enamel Plaque “Vanity and Encounter [possibly a mistake and should be Renunciation]”.
1922 Aonach Taillteann Art Exhibition, Dublin [August].
858, Copper Fruit Dish. Not for sale
859, Copper and Silver Bowl and Stand. Not for sale
962, Enamel Plaque, “A Prophet”.
963, Enamel Plaque “Vanity and Renunciation”.
1925. Seventh Arts and Crafts Society of Ireland Exhibition
No. 304. Copper Bowl and Stand, inlaid with silver.
1930. Irish Art Exhibiton, Brussels. [May]
Enamel Plaque, “Vanity and Renunciation”.